Brief Bio-data of Prof. Dr. Sivaram Venkataramegowda
Prof Sivaram, Professor and Principal Investor, Department of Botany, Bangalore University and Former Registrar ( Administration), Bangalore City University during 2019-2020. He had been the Team leader Consultant/Expert in Apiary Management of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to develop Apiculture in Iraq during 2002. Dr Sivaram has been active in dissemination of scientific knowledge to the Post Graduate students in Botany more than 26 years at the Bangalore University. He has published more than 75 Research papers in peer reviewed journals.
Prof Sivaram has visited several universities and institutions both in India and abroad. He has been awarded the prestigious ‘Fulbright-Nehru Senior Research fellowship’ by United States-India Educational Foundation to undertake research at the University of Montana, USA during 2010-2011. He was invited to deliver lecture by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Bhutan, Thimphu; Brownbag invited lecture at the University of Montana, Missoula and Montana Beekeepers Convention at Kalispel, USA. He has served as State Level Nodal Officer for Development of Apiculture in Karnataka under Suvarna Bhoomi Yojane. He was grant reviewer of Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) and Research and Innovation reviewer for National Research Foundation (NRF), South Africa. He has also served in various academic and scientific committees both in India and Abroad. Dr Sivaram was invited by the FAO of United Nations to deliver lecture during the Apimondia Symposium on “Issues are concerning developing countries International Honey Trade” at Hanoi, Vietnam during 2004. Dr Sivaram has had presented papers in several National and International conferences and published more than 50 research papers in reputed peer reviewed journals. He has chaired several scientific sessions of the conferences and workshops. Prof Sivaram has organized more than 28 International conferences on Biological sciences in India, Mauritius, Bhutan, Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Republic of Latvia. He is also Secretary of the International Commission for Plant-Pollinator Relationships (ICPPR), University of Guelph, Canada.
Dr Sivaram has successfully completed major research projects funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Government of India; Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Government of India. Dr Sivaram was the Co-principal Investigator of Obama-Singh project between Bangalore University and the University of Montana. Also, he was Co-PI of National Science Foundation (USA) project on International Research experiences for undergraduates from Indigenous America to Indigenous India. He has supervised and guided Post Graduate students and Ph.D scholars.
Dr Sivaram has been awarded Anak Sarawak Outstanding Achievement Award (cash prize of MYR 20000 and citation) presented by the Governor of Sarawak, Malaysia. He has visited countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Bhutan, Nepal, South Africa, Mauritius, Italy, Jordan, Iraq, Philippines, Vietnam, China, Sri Lanka, Turkey, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Austria, Germany and USA. He served as Registrar, Bengaluru City University during 2019 - 2020. Dr V Sivaram is at present serving as Principal Investigator of the Major Research project on “Mapping and documentation of ethnomedicinal practices by tribal population of Mysore and Shimoga districts of Karnataka state”.
Detailed Curriculum-vitae ( click the following pdf link to download)