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Dr E. Vivekanandan

Dr E. Vivekanandan belonged to Agricultural Research Service of India and worked in various capacities including Head of Division and Principal Scientist in Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI, India) until 2012. Later, he worked as a National Consultant in the Bay of Bengal Programme Inter-governmental Organisation. At present, he is a Senior Consultant in CMFRI. He has long years of experience in marine fisheries research and development. He has pioneered the research on fish stock assessment, climate change, marine mammals and marine fisheries management. He has travelled widely and is associated with several international organisations in fisheries research and management like Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project. He has conducted multinational training programmes on Fish Stock Assessment, Climate Change, Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management and Science Communication.

Rohana Subasinghe

Rohana Subasinghe is a specialist in aquaculture development and aquatic animal health management. After 22 years of service, he retired from FAO in October 2015. He was responsible in implementing many FAO programmes and projects on aquaculture and aquatic animal health at national, regional, and international levels, worldwide. From 2000 to 2015 he served as the Technical Secretary to the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the FAO Committee on Fisheries. A former teacher at the University of Colombo and the Universiti Putra Malaysia, Rohana earned his MSc from the University Southwest (UK) and PhD from Stirling University (UK). Rohana, who is a co-founder and director of FUTUREFISH, is currently managing an aquaculture development project in Nigeria, financed by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the USAID and executed by WorldFish. He is an honorary life member of the World Aquaculture Society (WAS) and the Past President of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of WAS. He is also a Vice-Chair of the International Steering Committee of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022. Rohana is a strong advocate of inclusive growth of aquaculture.


Dr. Daniel Pauly

Dr. Daniel Pauly is a world-renowned fisheries scientist and serves as one of the board of directors of Oceana. He is currently the Principal Investigator of the Sea Around Us initiative, a large research project devoted to identifying and quantifying global fisheries trends. He is also a Killam professor at the University of British Columbia’s Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries. 

The concepts, methods and software which Daniel Pauly led and co-developed are documented in over 1000 scientific and general-interest publications, and are used throughout the world. This applies to the Ecopath modeling approach and software and FishBase, the online encyclopedia of more than 30,000 fish species, which was recently complemented by SeaLifeBase. He is a recipient of numerous awards, including the International Cosmos Prize, the Volvo Environment Prize, the Nierenberg Prize and the Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Ecology and Conservation Biology. He was named France’s Chevalier de la Legion D’Honneur in 2017.




Professor Dr. Soottawat Benjakul
International Center of Excellence in Seafood Science and Innovation
Faculty of Agro-Industry
Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, 90110, Thailand

Prof. Soottawat Benjakul is a professor in Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Hat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand. He received his Ph.D. (Food Science and Technology) from Oregon State University, USA in 1997 under the support from the Fulbright scholarship. After graduation, he joined the Department of Food Technology (PSU). He has focused his research on seafood science and technology. His major fields of interest are the seafood quality as well as the valorization of fish processing byproducts. He is interested in tackling the problem associate with seafood quality loss. He has currently focused his research on non-thermal processes for shelf-life extension of seafood and products. He has received the research grants from national and international agencies. Within approximately 25 years of his career path, he has been named as several prestigious award recipients. He has published more than 900 research articles in peer-review international journal indexed by SCOPUS with H-index of 88.

He was also named as the winner of the invention awards related with the development of value-added products based on fish processing leftover from the international exhibition of invention. He has been listed as the top 1% of researchers for most cited documents in the field of Agricultural Sciences by Clarivate Analytics for 6 consecutive years. He has established and served as a director of ‘International Center of Excellence in Seafood Science and Innovation, ICE-SSI’ at PSU to strengthen the seafood research and extension in southeast Asia. He has served as the reviewer for a number of journals as well as research proposals submitted to several granting agencies. He was appointed as editorial board for Journal of Food Biochemistry since 2000, for Fisheries Science since 2015, for Journal of Food Science since 2016 and for Science Asia since 2020. He has also served as the associate editor for International Aquatic Research since 2010. He has been invited as the keynote speaker, particularly in the field of seafood processing and quality. He has more than 15 book chapters and two books.


Dr. P. Krishnan



Bay of Bengal Programme - Inter-Governmental Organisation (BOBP IGO)

91. St. Marys Road, Abhiramapuram, Chennai -600 018

Dr. P. Krishnan is currently the Director of Bay of Bengal Preogramme – Intergovernmental Organization (BOBP-IGO), Chennai. He started his research career as a Scientist at ICAR-Central Island Agricultural Research Institute (CIARI), Port Blair in 2003 and served till 2013. He has served as Project Lead in the Coastal and Marine Resources Conservation Division at MoEFCC-National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM), Chennai during 2013-16 on deputation. He subsequently served as Principal Scientist (Agricultural Research Management) at ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad during 2016-2021.

He has undertaken research studies on diverse aspects viz., coastal bio-resource management, aquatic environment and health management, research management, conservation planning and policy.

Dr. Krishnan has received three National Awards and various distinctions in recognition of his research work. He has completed many multi-institutional and trans-disciplinary projects with funding from national (DST, DBT, SAC, NRSC, NFDB, MoEFCC, BCIL, NCSCM) and international (GIZ, UNDP, World Bank, IFPRI) agencies.  He has published 90+ research papers in peer reviewed journals, 15+ books (as author/editor), 15 policy papers and developed 6 IT applications / prototypes for evidence-based decision making in various fields. He is a distinguished Fellow of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), New Delhi and Andaman Science Association (ASA), Port Blair, Andaman.

Dr. Ravishankar, C.N,
Director & Vice Chancellor,
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education,
ICAR, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India,
Mumbai, India

Dr. Ravishankar, C.N is Presently working as Director and Vice Chancellor of ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, under ICAR, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. He has Bachelor Degree in Fisheries Sciences; Post-graduation in Industrial Fishery Technology and Ph.D in Fish Processing Technology from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. He has successfully completed international certification courses like ‘Managing Sustainable Projects and Programmes’ from University of Bradford, United Kingdom and Course on HACCP from Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, London, UK. He has over 35 years of experience in food science research, post-harvest fisheries technologies, food safety, technology commercialization and business incubation. Handled many International and National Research projects and has participated in the First Indian Antarctic Expedition. Successfully established India’s first Fisheries Business Incubation Centre and supported more than 65 entrepreneurs in setting up new business ventures. Published 180 research papers in peer reviewed journals, 78 book chapters, 54 technical articles, authored/edited 11 books; Guided 8 PhD and 30 for masters students. He is the Fellow of NAAS, AFSTI, SOFTI and KSTA and received many awards for his contribution in the field of Fisheries Harvest and Post-Harvest technologies. He is the Chair of Scientific panel on Fish and Fish Products, FSSAI, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India; Nodal Authority for developing Approved Standard Deep Sea Fishing vessel Design and Specification, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and waterways, GoI; Committee for drafting National Policy on Post-Harvest Processing and Marketing of Fish and Fishery Products, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, GoI. He has served as member of important committees in many Governmental organisations like ICAR, NABL, FSSAI, BIS, LDCL, DFRL, DBT, MoFPI, MPEDA and acted as consultant to many international and national organisations.



Dr. Raman Kumar Trivedi, did his B.F.Sc. and M.F.Sc. from UAS, Bangalore and Ph.D. from Rajasthan Agriculture University, Udaipur. He has undergraduate and postgraduate teaching experience of 31 years. His major area of research interest is Limnology, Aquatic Environment Management and climate change adaptation strategies. He was Prof and Head Dept of Aquatic Environment Management at WB University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata for more than 10 years. He has been closely involved with student management programmes as In-charge Academic cell and now as Director Students Welfare since last 4 years. He has more than 50 research papers published in reputed National and International journals to his credit, besides he has presented a number of papers at various national and International conferences/Symposia. Has also chaired technical sessions in National and International Symposia. He has/edited 2 books and written 5 book chapters, technical reports and delivered more than 25 invited lectures. He has completed six ICAR and MOEF research projects as PI &/Co-PI. He has also done overseas funded research and consultancy projects funded by GIZ, Germany. Dr Trivedi has carried EIA related consultancies for many industries and public sector cos. He has developed a protocol for “Climate Resilient Aquaculture Strategy for Coastal Areas of West Bengal”. Dr Trivedi was identified by MOEF as expert for consultation for making plastic free coastal zones. As team leader He has been instrumental in identifying “Critical Vulnerable Coastal Areas” of West Bengal and Odisha coast and its management strategies. Dr. Trivedi has played a pivotal role in developing high quality teaching and laboratory facilities in the college and department at West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences, Kolkata. Has ample experience in academic and research planning and execution. 

Considering his expertise Dr. Trivedi was nominated by ICAR as a member of the ICAR-BSMA committee on Fisheries to revise PG and Ph.D. syllabus. Dr Trivedi is member of Bihar state Wetland Management Authority. He is also the Visitor’s nominee in the governing body of Central University of Nagaland, member governing body Ghani Khan Choudhury National Institute of Engineering and Technology and Independent Director in board of BCPL, Ministry of Petroliam. He’s nominated by ministry of Education as expert member in one of the committee for implementation of NEP 2020.  


Iddya Karunasagar obtained his Masters and Ph.D degrees in Microbiology from Mysore University. He carried out postdoctoral research at University of Maryland, USA, University of Sendai, Japan, Natural Resources Institute, UK and University of Wuerzburg, Germany, where he was Humboldt Scholar (1991-92) and visiting Professor (1993-2005). He joined University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), College of Fisheries, Mangalore as Assistant Professor, rose to become Professor, and Head of Division of Fisheries Science. When Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University was carved out of UAS, he became the first Director of Research. Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) awarded him National Professorship in 2005.


During 1999-2005, he served as drafting member of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological risk assessment (JEMRA). He then moved to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of United Nations and was based in Rome as Senior Fishery Officer, where led a Team on fish safety and quality and was based at FAO Headquarters in Rome. He played a key role in several FAO/WHO food safety risk assessments which led to the development of international food standards at Codex Alimentarius Commission. He represented FAO in meetings of Codex Committee on Food Hygiene and Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products. He was Lead Technical Officer for several food safety projects in Asia, Europe, Africa, South Pacific, Caribbean Islands and Latin America. He played a pivotal role in the development of WHO Five Keys for Safer Aquaculture Products.


Following his retirement from FAO, he has been working as International Consultant to organisations like FAO, WHO, International Trade Center (ITC), UNIDO and Asian Development Bank (ADB). He continues to be Member of FAO/WHO JEMRA and Technical Advisor in FAO projects, particularly on antimicrobial resistance. He has Co-edited FAO Fisheries Circular on AMR, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper on fish safety and quality, FAO Technical Paper on marine biotoxins and FAO/AFS publication on Understanding Antimicrobial resistance in aquaculture. He was Senior Director (International relation) at Nitte University during 2017-2020 is currently the Advisor (Research and Patents).


Dr. Iddya Karunasagar has guided over 30 Ph.D. and 45 Masters degree students. His work on developing and commercializing molecular diagnostic techniques for pathogens has been recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India with Biotechnology Product and Process Development Award (2003). He was the recipient of Rafi Ahmed Kidwai award from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2005), Aquaculture Award from Marine Products Export Development Authority (1993) and Academic Contributor of the biennium Award from International Association of Seafood Professionals (Sydney, Australia) and Life Time Achievement Award from Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (2021).


He has been elected Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Indian Academy of Microbiology, Karnataka Science and Technology Academy. He is Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU and has served as Editor/Member Editorial Board in several international Journals and is currently Academic Editor, PLOS ONE, , Associate Editor of the Journal of World Aquaculture Society. He chairs the Scientific Panel on residues of antibiotics, Member of Biohazard Panel and Scientific Committee of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. He chairs the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) on Marine Biotechnology of Department of Biotechnology and Member of STAG on Agriculture and Animal Biotechnology. He is Chair or Member of several advisory committees of Ministry of Agriculture, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and Ministry of Fisheries of Government of India. In 2021, he was appointed as Member of WHO Advisory Group on Critically Important Antimicrobials for Human Use.


Dr. Amit Morey is an Associate Professor in the Department of Poultry Science at Auburn University, USA. His research mainly focuses on developing innovative technologies to improve food safety, shelf-life and quality of foods especially seafood and poultry. Over the past 6 years, Dr. Morey has worked on reducing food waste and food loss in the supply chain and his research has won national and University-level awards. His aim in life is to “create on impact on mankind through science”.

Prof. Alice Joan G. Ferrer, PhD
Division of Social Sciences
University of the Philippines Visayas
Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines

Dr. Alice Joan G. Ferrer is a Professor and a Scientist from the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV). She holds a Masters and PhD (Economics) degrees from the School of Economics, University of the Philippines.  Currently, Dr. Ferrer is the Dean of UPV-College of Arts and Sciences, President of the Asian Fisheries Society, National Deputy Director of the Economy and Environment Group Philippines,  Visayas Regional Representative of the Philippine Economic Society, Chair of the  Regional Ethics Monitoring Board (Western Visayas), and the Executive Director of Western Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium of the DOST-PCHRD. Her interests are in health economics, fisheries and aquaculture social sciences, policy analysis, gender, climate smart agriculture, governance, among others.  She has peer-reviewed journal articles, chapters in books, and a book.  

  Prof. Dr. Indrani Karunasagar, former Director, Research and Development and presently Director-Projects & DST Technology enabling Centre, Coordinator of MSc Marine Biotechnology program, DBT at Nitte University, Mangalore. She is also the Director of UNESCO Centre for Marine Biotechnology since 1996, member of the International Jury for UNESCO Life Science Prize for research and social relevance. She is actively promoting ‘One health’ research and education for over four decades. Following her post graduate degree in Medical Microbiology in 1975,  she began her career as a Lecturer in Microbiology at Kasturba Medical College, Manipal and then moved to JIPMER, Pondicherry where she served as a Senior resident in Microbiology for three years. She later  moved to KMC, Mangalore as an ICMR Senior research fellow and then to a permanent position in the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore as an Assistant Professor of Microbiology to later rise to the post of Associate professor followed by Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, College of Fisheries, Mangalore , KVAFSU. She retired as the Associate Director of Research, Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University, on June 30th, 2014 and joined Nitte University on July 1st , 2014 as the Director(R & D). She has excelled in areas of biotechnology, microbiology, molecular diagnostics, vaccinology, public health, biotoxins and  food safety that have brought her national and international recognition. She was a post doctoral fellow at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, UK 1991, IOC-DANIDA fellow at the Department of Mycology and Phycology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 1993, UNESCO Biotechnology Fellow, College Park, University of Maryland, USA 1995, Senior Overseas Associate of DBT, Centre for Marine Biotechnology, University of Maryland, USA 1998, and was a visiting Scientist each year  through DAAD collaborative project to the University of Wurzburg, Germany during 2001 to 2006 and to Ghent University,  Belgium through Indo BELSPO project. She is a member of several national and international committees, Principal Investigator of national and international collaborative projects (Indo-German, Indo-Australia, Indo-Belgium, Indo-Norway, Indo-UK, Indo-Sri Lanka), Member of Academic and Research Advisory councils of several Universities and Central Research Institutes  and is on the Editorial Board of national and international journals. She is a recipient of many awards and recognitions in India and abroad, notable being, National Technology Development Award, Govt. of India; Sir. M. Visvesvaraya Award for excellence in research and lifetime contribution to Science and Technology, Govt. of Karnataka; Asia Pacific award for excellence in Aquatic Virology by Indian Virological Society; Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Award, ICAR; Lifetime Achievement Award, Department of Biotechnology; Punjab Rao Deshmukh Outstanding Woman Scientist Award, ICAR; M.S. Swaminathan Award for highest Impact factor in publications; National Bioscientist award, Department of Biotechnology; LG Smarak Nidhi award, Association of Food Scientists and Technologists; Prof.J.V.Bhat award for contribution to Microbiology, Manipal University, Vyas memorial award , Association of Microbiologists of India; Young Scientist award of Karnataka association for the Advancement of Science, Vasundhara memorial oration award , DFRL, Distinguished Alumnus award, Manipal University. During November 2021,  she was bestowed the life time achievement award by the Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists and more recently in March 2022, the Venus International Foundation award for Lifetime contribution to Microbiology. According to Research.com, based on H index and citations, she is among the top microbiologists ranked  11th in the country and 2390  in world ranking as of December 2021,   She has been nominated  Fellow  of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fellow of the Academy of Microbiologists of India, and Fellow of the Karnataka Science and Technology Academy. Prof. Indrani Karunasagar has over 380 publications in high impact factor national and international journals, chapters in several books, edited three books including Encyclopaedia of Life Support Systems- Marine Biotechnology Section, UNESCO and  has trained over 70 postgraduate and doctoral students, who are now occupying prestigious faculty and industry positions in India and abroad. She holds one  international and 5 national and patents and has transferred four technologies to the industry. She is the managing editor of Journal of Allied Health Sciences, Thieme publishers  and on the editorial committee of ‘Virus disease’, and ‘Methods in Microbiology. With over 10,000 citations, h-index of 52 and i10 index- 157, she has carved a niche for herself and is a role model for Women in Science.


Dr Vasant Kripa, former Principal Scientist and Head of Fishery Environment Management Division of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI), Kochi under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi with 34 years of intense research associated with development of coastal aquaculture and fisheries is presently serving as the Member Secretary of Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA),Chennai under the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India.


Dr Kripa a Post Graduate in Mariculture from ICAR- CMFRI with FAO-UNDP Fellowship and Ph D in Marine Sciences from Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) with fellowship from CSIR was one the Lead Authors of Inter- governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (WGII AR6). Published more than 250 research articles including text book on oysters and several book chapters. Presently pursuing a Post Graduate Degree in Environmental Law from the National Law School, India University, Bangalore.



During her tenure in CMFRI she was actively engaged in research on bivalve farming, pearl culture, EIA of mariculture, influence of environment on fisheries, marine habitats, marine litter, women empowerment and climate change. Dr Kripa has led projects funded by International Foundation for Science, Sweden, World Bank and also from Ministry of Earth Sciences and MoEF & CC.


As a national recognition for developing coastal aquaculture and for providing livelihood opportunities in coastal areas, the team including Dr Kripa was awarded T.V.R. Pillai Foundation award. Dr Kripa and team have also won National Science Popularization awards – Vigyan Prasar award and the Beevar Bronze award.


She has served as member of important state, national and state committees, such as Research Advisory Committee (RAC) member of UNDP funded projects at Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, Member of Institute Management Committees of four ICAR Institute (CIFA, CIFT, CMFRI, ICAR - RC-Goa), Academy Council Member of KUFOS, NABARD project evaluation, and others. She is as an Executive Committee member of the Asian Fisheries Forum, Indian Chapter and has also served as the Secretary of Marine Biological Association of India.


Dr. Leela Edwin completed her Masters Degree in Industrial Fisheries from the Cochin University of Science and Technology in 1985.

She was selected as Scientist through the ARS (Agricultural Research Service) Examination and joined the Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin in 1986.

While in service she completed her PhD on Ring seine Fisheries for which she received the Jawaharlal Nehru Award 2000 for outstanding Post Graduate Research (best PhD Thesis in Fisheries Science in India) in Agriculture from the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.

She is the recipient of the National Award for Technology Innovation (Runner Up) in the field of Polymer Science & Technology from Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India in 2013

She has also received many Best Scientific Paper/Poster /Presentation Awards instituted by professional societies.

She has more than 150 scientific publications to her credit which includes research papers in national and international journals, books etc.

She has received advanced training in fishing gear designing from the Fisheries and Marine Institute (MI) of Memorial University, New Foundland, Canada and has presented research work in conferences, seminars and meetings in the country and abroad including countries like Italy, Thailand and Malaysia.

She is an approved Research Guide of the Faculty of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and the Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences and guided ten research students.

As member of National and State level Expert Committees she has contributed to policy making for the management of Indian Fisheries.

She was the Head of the Division of Fishing Technology since 2010.

Currently she is the Director, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology. 

Rama-Bangera : Presently working in Norway with Akvaforsk Genetics dealing with genetic and genomic evaluations in Shrimp, Tilapia and Salmon breeding programs. Previously worked in Chile and Norway with breeding programs in Salmonids, Atlantic cod and Tilapia.

I am interested in the application of quantitative and molecular genetics to improve economically important traits in aquaculture and livestock species. Also have keen interest in classic fish and shellfish breeding and aquaculture, fisheries-aquaculture and socio-economic developmental projects involving developing countries.

Specialties: Aquaculture, Genomics, Genetics and Breeding, Genetic analysis, genomic selection



Arun K. Dhar is an Associate Professor and Director of the Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory in the School of Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

He did MS and PhD in Plant Virology from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India, and Post-Doctoral research in Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, New Brunswick, Canada, and Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, Massachusetts, USA. He worked in biotech companies in California and Maryland before joining The University of Arizona in 2017.

Dr. Dhar is an OIE (World Organization for Animal Health, Paris, France) Expert of Crustacean Diseases and the Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory in The University of Arizona is an OIE Reference Laboratory and an USDA-APHIS approved laboratory.

Dr. Dhar's research focuses primarily on pathogen discovery, developing diagnostics tools and therapeutics against infectiousdiseases in shrimp. He has authored over 100 peer-reviewed papers and is an inventor in six patents issued by the US Patent & Trademark Office.


Dr. M. Karthikeyan, Director

Marine Products Export Development Authority

  • Joined as Director, Marine Products Export Development Authority during March 2020. Looking after the activities related to Marketing, quality control, aquaculture and other technical aspects for seafood export promotion. Instrumental in achieving an all time high of USD 7.74 Billion seafood export from India during 2021-22.
  • Before joining MPEDA served in Department of Fisheries Government of Tamil Nadu in different capacities and Implemented various infrastructure development and welfare schemes in Inland, Brackishwater and Marine sector in Tamil Nadu
  • Earlier served as Assistant Professor at College of Fisheries, Lembucherra, and Tripura under Central Agricultural University from 2001 to 2006.
  • Was actively involved in teaching, research and extension programme during tenure in CoF, Tripura.
  • Successfully implemented a project on “Development of products from small indigenous fishes of North East India” funded by Ministry of Food Processing Industries and studied the nutritional composition of small indigenous fishes of NE, developed various value added and traditional products and popularized them.
  • Published 5 scientific papers in reputed International Journals and 10 scientific papers in National papers
  • Participated in various seminars, conferences, workshops and training programmes
  • Completed PhD in Fish Processing Technology from College of Fisheries, Mangalore in 2001 specialising in Fish Protein Chemistry, Completed Master of Fisheries Science (MFSc) from Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tuticorin specializing in Fish Processing Technology and Completed Bachelor of Fisheries Science (BFSc) from College of Fisheries, Ratnagiri

Dr. Pramod Kumar Pandey has more than 33 years of experience in the field of Fisheries and Aquaculture in different capacities. He started his professional carrier at Marine Products Export Development Authority, Kochi in 1988. He joined in Agricultural Research Service as a Scientist in the year 1993 and worked at different positions in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India. He has worked as a Scientist, Sr. Scientist, and Principal Scientist at ICAR- Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai. After working as Dean, College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University (Imphal) for more than 5 years, he has joined as Director, ICAR- DCFR, Bhimtal since May 2021. He had received many national and international awards from different organizations. He has around 150 publications including research papers in national and international journals, 8 books, and many institutional & externally funded research projects to his credit. He has also conducted many training programmes, workshops, seminars, and symposia for farmers, students, academicians, researchers, and fisheries officials. His most significant achievement has been the voluntary breeding of magur (Magur magur) in captivity. He has guided around 36 students for their PG and PhD programs. He has been involved in developing and preparing several policy papers for the development of fisheries in the country and new course curricula for PG students in the field of Fisheries Science.    He has visited countries such as USA, Mauritius, and Thailand in different capacities.

Sadasivam J. Kaushik

Past Director of research at INRA (National Institute for Agriculture Research), France. Founder director of Fish Nutrition Laboratory and Station d'Hydrobiology Research Station. Editorial boards of several journals including British Journal of Nutrition, Aquaculture, Aquaculture Research, Aquaculture Nutrition, Aquatic Living Resources, Board member of several academic and professional bodies. European Aquaculture society (Past-President, Honorary life member). Coordinator of several EU research projects between academia and professional sectors. Was European Research Area (ERA) Chair, Ecosystem approach to sustainable aquaculture (Ecoaqua), Univ Las Palmas, Spain and currently Honorary director of the Ecoaqua Inst.  Internationally recognized  scientist with a very strong publication record. Deeply committed to research and development in aquaculture nutrition, involved in large number of multi-disciplinary research projects with extensive knowledge of aquaculture issues around the world.

Jitendra Kumar Sundaray,Ph.D presently working as Head, Division of Fish Genetics and Biotechnology at   ICAR- Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kauaslayaganga, Bhubaneswar since April 2013. He has served as Director ICAR CIFA during January 2017 to April 20218. He has completed his undergraduate from Odisha University of Agricultural and Technology. He did his M.Sc. from Ravenshaw University. He completed his Post Graduate Diploma in Fisheries Science from ICAR- Central Institute for Fisheries Education, Mumbai. He moved to Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan during 2000 for his Ph.D. programme in Animal and Marine Bioresources Science. He has completed the advance course in Japanese Language from Kyushu University, Japan during 2001. He has completed advance course on science communication from Indian Science Communication Society, Lucknow during 2014 and completed Post Graduate Diploma in Patent Law during 2017 from NALSAR, Hyderabad. He has completed Executive program on Project management from XLRI, Jamshedpur.  He has published more than 102 research publications in both national and international peer reviewed journals. In addition to this he has 20 conference proceedings, 22 book chapters, 30 extension brochure, 3 technology bulletin   and has edited 3 book as chief editor and 6 book as associate editor. He has completed 7 projects as PI and heading 13 external funded projects. He has guided 15 M.Sc students and two students have competed PhD and one has completed Postdoc. He has established a Center of Excellence on genetic improvement of Catla from a funding from DBT. He is the associate editor of Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research, Canning Town, chief editor of International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic studies, editorial board member of Journal of Fisheries and Life Sciences and Current Indian Science (Food Chemistry). He is the associate editor for special issues on fish reproduction in the Journal Frontiers in Aquatic Physiology and Biotechnology reports. He is the fellow of Zoological society of India, Odisha Environmental Society, Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research, Biotechnology Research Society of India, National Environmental Science, Inland Fisheries Society of India, National Environmental Science Academy, Society of Fisheries and Life Science and Applied Zoologist Research Association. He is the recipient of Prof. M S Swaminanthan Best Fisheries Scientist 2021 from Professional Fisheries Graduate Forum.