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This Event Completed Successfully

This event completed successfully on 3rd Nov 2018. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.

Third Convention of Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of India and National Symposium on Bridging Biochemical Interventions and Environmental Remediations for One Health Improvement

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Dear Friends & Colleagues,


The organizing committee of the SVBBI - 2018 feels pleasure in extending heartfelt invitation for your active participation in Third Convention of Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of India (SVBBI) and National Symposium on “Bridging Biochemical Interventions and Environmental Remediations for One Health Improvement” during 2-3 November, 2018 at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, LUVAS, Hisar, Haryana.

The conference will provide a platform for the teachers, researchers, practitioners, students, representatives of regulatory authorities and biochemical industries to interact and exchange views on current trends in research and innovations, future prospects and possibilities to work together for ‘One Health’ concept particularly in the light of emerging threats due to environmental contamination. Your active participation in the conference is essential to discuss major issues related to biochemical interventions and environmental remediation for One Health.

We shall be highly grateful if you make it possible to participate in these programmes. On our part, we shall strive our best to make your stay comfortable at Hisar. We eagerly look forward to meet and welcome you at LUVAS, Hisar.


Dr. D.P Sharma

Dr. Nirmal Sangwan
Director, HRM, LUVAS
(Organizing Secretary)