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Keynote Speakers

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List of  Eminent Keynote Speakers / Lead Speakers


Mr. Sunil Gulati,

Additional Chief Secretary,

Animal Husbandry and Dairying Department, Haryana

Civil Secretariat, Sec.17. Chandigarh


Dr. A K Srivastava,

Chairman (ASRB) 1st Floor,

Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan I,

Pusa, New Delhi 110 012 INDIA.


Dr. Rajinder Sangwan,

Director, Academy of Scientific

and Innovative Research, CSIR-Human Resource Development Centre, Postal Staff

College Area, Sector-19 Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP)-201002


Dr. Dhruva Chaudhary

Professor, Dept. of Medicine,

PGIMS, Rohtak


Prof. Purnendu Biswas

Hon’ble Vice Chancellor


68 KB Sarani, Kolkata 700037


Dr. A.K. Panda

Director, National Institute of Immunology

New Delhi


Dr. Ravindra Khaiwal

Additional Professor,

Dept. of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, PGI, Chandigarh


And many more