Abstract submission date extended till 10 October 2018. Avail this
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I.     SVBBI2018 Oral Presentation Award: 

       A.    One best oral presentation award will be given for each of the four sessions in the SVBBI2017 Convention.



II.    SVBBI2018 Young Scientist Award: 

   A.    One Young Scientist award will be presented in the SVBBI2018 Convention.


       B.    Prerequisites for participation in the SVBBI2018 Young Scientist Award session are as follows

 1.    Participants should submit their abstracts along with online registration on or before the last date

 2.    Participants should be less than 35 years of age.

 3.   Proof of age (metriculation marks card or any other relevant document) must be submitted   just before the presentation to the chairman of the session.

4.    Duration of the presentation is 10 Minutes


III. SVBBI2018 Best Poster Award:

       A.    One best poster presentation award will be given in the SVBBI2018 Convention.