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Organising Committee

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Patron-in-Chief                                                                     Chairman

Dr. Gurdial Singh                                                                 Dr. D.P Sharma

Vice Chancellor, LUVAS                                                     Dean, COVS, LUVAS


Organizing Secretary

Dr. Nirmal Sangwan

Director, Human Resource Management, LUVAS


Co-Organizing Secretary

Dr. Manoj Kumar Rose

Professor & Head



Joint Secretary (Technical)      Joint Secretary (General)                Treasurer

Dr. Shalini Sharma                           Dr. Meenakshi Virmani       Dr. Sandeep Gupta

Asstt. Professor                                 Scientist                                  Scientist



Executive Committee - SVBBI

Dr. S. Batabyal                      Dr. V. Girish Kumar

President                                 Vice-President


Dr. P.C. Bisoi                         Dr. P.C. Behera

Secretary                                 Treasurer