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This Event Completed Successfully

This event completed successfully on 3rd Jun 2017. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.

Annual Convention of Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of India - 2017 and Symposium on Innovative and emerging biochemical and biotechnological tools to augment animal health and production

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The Organizing Committee invites your active participation on behalf of Society of Veterinary Biochemists and Biotechnologists of India (SVBBI) to the Second Annual Convention on “Innovative and Emerging Biochemical and Biotechnological Tools to Augment Animal Health and Production”. The event is being jointly organised by Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, Veterinary College, Hebbal, KVAFSU, Bengaluru and SVBBI on 2nd and 3rd  June 2017


The two day annual convention and symposium is a platform where many academicians, scientists, research fellows, prominent industrial representatives and the students would come together to present and discuss recent progresses in the field of biochemistry and biotechnology. We would be delighted to have you present at this conference to hear and share about the technological advancements, your thoughts and opinions in biochemistry and biotechnology and their impact on farmers and animal lives. 


The Organizing Committee and the Department of Veterinary Biochemistry, Veterinary College, Bengaluru is striving its best to make your stay pleasant at Bengaluru and also make the Symposium a memorable one.


Looking eagerly to welcome you at Bengaluru in June 2017


With Best Wishes,

Prof. V. Girish Kumar,

HOD and Organising Secretary

Department of Veterinary Biochemistry,

Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bangalore-560024

Mob:+91 9448514044.