1. Abstracts Papers / Exhibits / Posters reaching after the dates specified will not be considered.
2. Contributors to the scientific program are required to return the enclosed REPLY FORM, UNDERTAKING
along with the ABSTRACT FORM.
3. Members interested in participating in more than one category should send separate Abstract Forms,
Undertaking along with Reply Form for each category. Not more than one entry per each competitive category
is allowed.
4. Abstracts Forms can be downloaded from AIOTA Conference section of
5. Members will not be allowed to participate in category for which Abstracts have not been submitted.
6. The authors should submit a structured abstract with headings: objectives of study, methods, results and
conclusion for scientific Papers/Exhibits/Posters.
7. Abstracts of papers / Exhibits /Posters should only be submitted electronically through our website to the Chairperson Scientific Program Committee.
8. Only reply form along with the undertaking should be submitted in hard copy after electronic submission to
Chairperson Scientific Program Committee (Dr. Pratibha M. Vaidya Associate Professor, O.T. School &
Centre, T. N. Medical College & BYL Nair Ch. Hospital, Dr. A. L. Nair Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai
400008.) without which the paper will not be accepted.
9. The content of the Abstracts should be accurate, self-contained, concise, legible, and relevant and of correct
length duly typed in Arial / Times New Roman with font size of 12. It should be typed on the Abstract Form
and should not exceed 250 words.
1. Papers are invited which describe developments in areas of policy, practice and education in Occupational
2. All papers should have research based origin, a solid theoretical basis or be an evaluation of recent practice
3. Preparation of the study / paper should be based on GUIDELINES TO AUTHORS that can be obtained from,
May-Aug. issue (each year) of Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy or on AIOTA Website:
4. Participants will be allowed to present only that paper which is accepted and not any other paper at the last
5. Time allotted for paper presentation for each paper is 10 minutes only.
6. Competitive Paper presentation in absentia will not be allowed. However in circumstances beyond control
Chairperson of the Scientific Program Committee will use her discretion and may grant permission to the
co-author, to read the paper. In absentia presentation can be done by co-author only in non-competitive
7. Prior to the conference, copies of the scientific paper under Competitive Category will be sent to two judges
specialized in the particular field who will be appointed by the Scientific Committee-OTICON’2016.
8. KEM OT YOUTH TALENT AWARD is for members who have graduated after 01st January 2010 from
AIOTA accredited college / school. The scanned copy of the original UG passing certificate must be attached
with the Abstract in the "Supporting Document" tab of the Upload Document section in the online submission
9. The decision of the Scientific Program Committee shall be final and binding in respect to acceptance of
Abstracts / papers and also regarding allotment of time and duration of presentation.
10. All correspondences related to the Scientific Program should be sent to Chairperson, Scientific Program
11. Important:
· For both the competitive and non-competitive category, send only a soft copy in concise form as per modified IJOT guidelines. Soft copies should be in word document (preferably in .doc format). First page of paper should contain a complete title along with author’s/co-authors details, place of research, period of study.
· Papers submitted for presentation must also accompany ‘Undertaking‘duly filled and signed by each author. The Undertaking can be obtained from Issue -2 (May –Aug.) of any volume of IJOT and /or be downloaded from AIOTA .