Initial submission

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PhD EDITS will be a forum where scholars gather to present research results, share ideas, obtain instant feedback and expand collaboration and networking. This 2 day event includes several keynote speeches by distinguished speakers featuring research ethics, methodology and practices; oral and poster sessions extensively reviewed by peers and mentors; and a unique open discussion forum to initiate dialogues with enthusiastic scholars and experienced mentors.


PhD EDITS-2019 invites doctoral students to submit their work, which can be at any stage of the research process (proposal, intermediate or near completion). Contributions from all application areas and topics, directly or indirectly related to a variety of Engineering & Technology in ICT related domains are invited. Two kinds of contributions are invited; extended abstract (2-3 pages) or poster.  The first author of each accepted paper/poster is required to register to the colloquium and present the same.




Paper Submission:           14 June 2019 (Hard deadline)

Acceptance Notification:    12 July 2019

Registration for authors:    24 July 2019

Camera Ready:                24 July 2019

General registration:         31 July 2019


Please ensure to follow the Author and Submission Guidelines listed below.






Review manuscripts should describe original work, either completed or part of an ongoing design, containing novel results. The submission should be no more than 3 pages in the IEEE double-column proceedings format including tables, figures, and references. Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). Download the manuscript template for Extended Abstract hereAccepted and presented papers will be submitted for possible inclusion into IEEE  Xplore. 




Posters track provide an opportunity to present technical descriptions, smaller research contributions (an existing simulation with new data sets), works-in-progress, or a conceptual architecture/design in a concise and visible format. Download poster template here. The accepted e-posters will be displayed in the colloquium venue as a chart, providing presenters with an opportunity to engage in discussion with other attendees around their research and expert mentors. Participants with an accepted poster paper must register for the colloquium and present their poster. A space for poster demonstration will be allocated to each participant.


All  articles, Extended Abstracts, and Posters should be submitted via this website, following the steps provided:


1. Create a Login or sign up as a new user. 

2. A link will be sent to the registered mail id for setting the password. 

3. Complete your profile page. 

4. For submitting your Abstract/Poster, 'Click to submit' on the right-hand side of the page and follow the instructions.