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Paper submission

        Call for Paper


         Abstract Submission

      All abstracts should be written in English and submitted on or before October 20th , 2014  through on-line abstract system. 

      The title of the paper should be 16 pt Times New Roman and the Name and Address must be cantered with 14 pt Times New Roman. The main text should be single-spaced, in 12 pt Times New Roman with Key words at the end.  The number of words in the abstract should not exceed 400.

      All submissions will be reviewed in terms of quality, impact and relevance to the Conference by subject experts. The notification will be directed to the corresponding author by 20th October  2014

      Guidelines for paper Presentations


      ·         Own laptops are not permitted in the conference Rooms.

      ·         You are requested to send Power Point file to the Secretariat through e.mail or provide at the registration desk during the conference.

      ·         The maximum speaking time for oral presentation is 15 minutes (including time for discussion). This time frame will be strictly adhered to by the session Organizer/Chair.


      ·         Poster boards are located in Poster Room

      ·         All posters will be displayed during the conference as per the scheduled programme. Mounting stickers will be available in the poster room or contact the information desk of the conference.

      ·         Size of the poster board is 120 cm high and 90 cm wide.


      Important notice:

      ·         Submission of abstract implies the willingness of at least one of the authors of the paper to register as delegate on or before October 15, 2014.

      ·         Papers without, at least, one author registering by October 15, 2014 will be automatically excluded from the conference programme and abstract book.


       Participants interested in paper presentations both oral and poster are requested to submit their abstracts of not more than 300 words on A4 size paper with 12 font, Times New Roman and with double space on or before it September 18th, 2014 in MS - word format online.


      The abstract should have a title, authorls) name, affiliation, important findingsof thework, minimum 3 key wordsand corresponding author email address. The acceptance of abstract will be communicated on or before 20" September, 2014.

      1.  Only two authors are allowed per paper.
      2. Abstracts, not exceeding 75 words, should reach us on or before the deadline. Authors must clearly indicate the broad area (Track) mentioned above in which their papers could be considered.
      3. The registration could be made if you provide the name of the author and co-author if any, corresponding address, e-mail ID, fax, telephone number, title of  the paper, DD particulars, etc in writing (the use of online Registration is recommended to avoid manual work )
      4. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 10-12 pages, inclusive of  table, figures, illustrations and references.
      5. The manuscripts would be subjected to blind review process.
      6. The use of online submission is recommended to avoid manual work.
      7.  The accepted papers for presentation will be intimated through e-mail.
      8.   The use of Mail Organizer Facility is encouraged for all further correspondence including  acceptance letter, invitation, etc.




         Invitation for Papers


      Soft copies of abstracts (250 words) of well researched papers on any aspect covered under the broad theme/sub themes with five keywords should be submitted onlineon or before 30th October 2014. The authors of the selected abstracts will be intimated about the acceptance of the abstract by mail on or before 10th November 2014.


      On receiving the acceptance message, the authors shall register online by filling the registration form and paying the registration fee online on or before 20th December 2014.




      The papers selected by the organizers of the Conference  shall be short listed for oral and poster presentation and the abstracts shall be published in the Conference proceedings volume. The organizers  also propose to publish the selected papers of the Conference as an edited book with ISBN.


      Paper Guidelines :


      Please indicate your theme and sub-theme code while communicating for submission of

      abstract, full paper, etc. online here.
      1. Font Type : Times New Roman
      2. Font Size
      Body : 12 size
      Footnote : 10 size
      3. Line Spacing
      Body : 1.5 Space
      Footnote : Single Space
      4. Margins set as 1.0
      5. Headings and sub-headings of the paper to be numbered, preceded by a line space, and
      be formatted in bold type.
      6. Sub-heading of the paper to be preceded by a line space and be formatted in bold type.
      7. Citations:
      • Journal :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Thomas J. Schoenbaum, “Trade and Environment - Free International Trade and Protection of the Environment : Irreversible Conflict”, 86AJIL(1992) pp 700-735 at 712.
      • Books  :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Shearer, Starke’s International Law, 11 Edn .(Butterworths, London, 1994), p 21
      • Edited Book :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Antonio Cassese, “International Criminal Law”, in Malcolm D. Evans (ed) International Law, (Oxford, Uni. Press 2003), pp721-756 at p 748
      • Cases :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India, AIR1975 SC597
      • News Paper :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Hindu (Chennai Edn) dt 6 November 2009 at p 11
      • Web Sources :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Web link, Last visited on 12-10-2009


      Instructions for abstract submission

      Abstracts are to be computer typed in the following format - MS Word, Times Roman, Font size 12 
      Type of Presentation: Podium or Poster
      Title: Should be in bold with first letter of each word in capitals.
      Author's names and affiliation: Should be in capital letters, name of the presenting author being underlined, followed by 
      institutional affiliations and e-mail address of the presenting author
      Contents: Should include the aim of the study, materials & methods, results, conclusion and key words. The abstract should not exceed 200 words. References, tables, graphs, or pictures are not to be included in the abstract. All abstracts will be reviewed and presenting authors will be informed by e-mail regarding acceptance of their abstract  within 15 October 2014. Scientific committee reserves the right  to select the scientific papers for oral or poster presentation
      Podium Presentation: Only Power Point presentations will be allowed. The time limit for oral presentations will be 6 minutes, followed by discussion for 4 minutes.
      Poster Presentation: Size of the posters should not exceed 4x3 feet
      Best Oral and Poster presentation in the three different categories (faculty, PGT and UG students) will be duly recognized.
      Scottish Travel Prize for PG's in Forensic Medicine by IAFM will be awarded for Best Oral Presentation (Original research/case presentation). To be eligible for the prize, the PG must be a life member of IAFM and should mention ‘For award session’ with life membership number along with the full presentation. A maximum of 20 papers will be included for presentation and the decision of Judges will be final. 

         The papers should be the original work of the author, which was not presented, published or accepted for presentation in any form. Margins -1 inch on all sides, Font- Times New Roman, Font, Size 12 regular, Spacing1.5”. Title page: Full name of the author(s), designation, affiliation, and Title of the Paper, address for communication with email and mobile number. Full paper should include an abstract in 250 words with at least 5 key words and reference. The author and co-author should register separately. All papers received will be put through a blind review process.  The maximum length of the paper should not exceed 6 pages excluding cover page. A seminar volume consisting of selected papers will be published with ISBN Number.




      • The abstract should have title (Times New Roman, 12 pts, Bold; Sentence case) followed by authors and their affiliations (Times New Roman, 12 pts, Normal, Sentence case).


      • The presenting author's name should be underlined and should provide the Email ID after affiliations.


      • The body of the abstract should be processed using MS word with Times New Roman font, 12 pts, Normal, Sentence case.


      • Abstract should be a single paragraph of less than 300 words and must be informative.


      • It is important that the abstract should state briefly the purpose of research, the principal results and major conclusions.


      • The references should not be cited. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if necessary, they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.


      • Do not abbreviate genus names at first use in the Abstract.


      • Only one abstract per author is permitted.

       We invite academic scholars, practicing professionals, NGOs, experts serving in Government institutions and students to participate by sharing their ideas and presenting research papers on various sub-themes.  


      Only original and unpublished work is sought.  The Contributors should certify that manuscript has neither been published anywhere nor is being considered presently anywhere for publication. 

      Guidelines for Paper Submission: 
      Submission should include a separate title page which clearly indicates the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), complete mailing address(s), telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address(s), title of the paper and upto 5 key words that describe the paper.  
      The last sheet of the paper should have a brief autobiography of the author(s) in not more than 100 words.
      For preparation of the manuscript, the author(s) are requested to follow APA Citation Style.
      An electronic version of the manuscript in MS-Word format should be submitted online.
      All text should be in single space with 1 inch margin on all the sides on A4 size paper using a font size of 12 in Times New Roman.  
      All Papers are subject to double blind review.

         A one–page abstract of the presentation may be posted to conference  secretariat or sent as attached MS-Word file  by January 10, 2015.
