IVIS2023 will be held at College of Engineering (CEG), Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India... more
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This event completed successfully on 7th Nov 2023. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.

16th edition of the International Vacuum Insulation Symposium (IVIS2023)

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Welcome Message from Chair & Technical Chair

The continual rise in energy demand, increased energy costs and concerns about the carbon impact of fossil fuels have clearly demonstrated the importance of energy efficiency measures, such as thermal insulation, for all sectors of the economy ranging from power generation to industries to buildings.

Vacuum insulation panels, the most advanced form of thermal insulation, have been known to enable buildings, transport equipment, and cold chain systems to achieve unprecedented levels of reduction in energy demand. These have recently played a significant role in delivering COVID-19 vaccines around the world. There are reasons to celebrate them.

However, a lot is to be yet fully understood about the materials used to produce vacuum insulation panels, and also their system-level performance is not yet fully resolved. The jury is still out on the life cycle energy and carbon performance of such insulation systems. Globally, several new applications of the existing designs of vacuum insulation panels are being investigated and improvements reported. Policy pushes and pulls are also being debated.

In this context, the 16th edition of the International Vacuum Insulation Symposium (IVIS2023) offers an apt platform for global scientists, engineers, manufacturers, end-users social scientists, and policymakers to discuss the above and many more relevant topics. The symposium will include technical paper sessions, plenary lectures, and stakeholders’ meetings.

We would like to welcome the global community to IVIS2023 to be held in Anna University, Chennai (India) during 6th – 7th November 2023 and look forward to meeting with you there.


Dr G Kumaresan

Chair IVIS2023

Anna University Chennai

Tamil Nadu (India)


Dr S Suresh

Technical Chair IVIS2023

National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli,

Tamil Nadu (India)