The Indian Veterinary Association is the apex organization of more than SIXTY THOUSAND veterinarians of the country spread over from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Gujarat to Nagaland. Every State and UT has its own association, which is affiliated to the apex organization or the parent body.
ESTD of this Association
In the year 1922 Dr Professor Or Karam Dane, from Punjab presided over a conference of veterinarians at Moradabad — U.P., when it was resolved to start an All India Veterinary Association. Thus the present Indian veterinary Association was formed in for the first time.
The Indian Veterinary Association became an accomplished fact in the year 1922. State associations were soon affiliated to the central body. Since then Conferences are being held and working for the advancement of veterinary sciences and raising of the status of the profession. The state associations deal with state matters with the coordination of the apex organization.
The Indian Veterinary Association also known as IVA was registered in year 1967.
It is the largest family of Veterinarians acting as voice of all at all India level. We represent more than 60,000 Veterinarians across the country with 28 state veterinary associations affiliated to it. The association is a part of supreme body of veterinarian’s by DAHD, Govt. of India as evident in IVC Act 1984. This association feels and supports the work of Veterinarians in research, medicine, practice and welfare of service Veterinarians.
Our New Generation
There have been revolutionary changes in the history of veterinary profession in India, in particular. This association is working on apprising, revising and amending the constitutional bye laws to serve veterinarians.This association is working for the welfare of veterinarians. Moreover, It is working in close co-ordination with Central and State Governments for the welfare schemes for the farmers. Additionally, It is a scientific organization with the affiliation of “Commonwealth Veterinary Association” and “World Veterinary Association”. That organizes International and National seminars, conferences and workshops. It’s Present President Dr. Chirantan Kadian, is Councillor World Veterinary Association for Asia and Oceania region and Councillor Commonwealth Veterinary Association.