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About ICAR-NRC on Mithun

ICAR-National Research Centre on Mithun, established in the year 1988, being the only research organization in the world, is exclusively working for the continual improvement and conservation of Mithun (Bos frontalis). The Institute has two campuses viz., Medziphema (Dimapur district) and Porba (Phek district) of Nagaland at about 300 and 2133m above the mean sea level. 


During the last 30 years, the Institute has not only generated invaluable scientific data towards the understanding of this unique species but also the developed several packages of practices and technologies. Conservation efforts including taming of mithun and demonstrating an alternative system of semi-intensive rearing of mithun like other bovine species resulted in the complete domestication of the species. Popularization efforts led to the adoption of scientific rearing of mithun by the tribal communities of North Eastern Region (NER) with better returns. For more details visit www.nrcmithun.res.in.


About Indian Society for Veterinary Immunology and Biotechnology (ISVIB) 

ISVIB is the premier conglomerate organization of more than 1000 Veterinary and Animal Scientists from the disciplines of Biotechnology, Immunology, Microbiology, Preventive Medicine, Parasitology, Animal Reproduction, Animal Physiology, Animal Genetics & Breeding, Fisheries Sciences and related disciplines of Animal Health & Production, with the objective of fostering the growth of veterinary immunology and biotechnology in the area of biological technology.


The ISVIB was started in the year 1990 with a motive to discuss, analyze and formulate suitable strategies for safeguarding the animal health, and thus to ensure improved animal production. The ISVIB organizes annual national conventions and symposia to critically analyze and update our knowledge and understand issues concerning animal production and health