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      Track Title: 

      • NCILKS 2015 - Call for Paper



      Articles based on research work, case studies and implementation of new and novel ideas, methods and services towards information and knowledge resources access are invited. The papers will be reviewed by the editorial committee.


      Selected papers will be included in the conference proceedings and also published in IALA journal.  The decision of the editorial committee regarding the acceptance of the paper for presentation will be final. The editorial committee has right to accept or reject a paper based on the recommendation of the editorial committee.

      Guidelines To Author: 

      Authors are requested to submit the soft copy of full paper (with abstract not exceeding 200 words and at least three keywords) on CD and an e-mail attachment to the organizing secretary.  Paper should not exceed 8 pages of A4 size with double line spacing and font size 12 in Times New Roman.  Charts, graphs, photographs, if any, should be inserted at proper places in the paper.  References should be given as per the Chicago Style.  Authors are advised not to include downloaded materials and figures from the Internet.

      A declaration by the author (s) should be given separately stating that the paper has not been presented/ published elsewhere.  Papers accepted for presentation will be intimated to the first author by e-mail.

      Papers without registration fee will not be accepted.