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About the Organizers


The Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS) was the first University of its kind in Asia established in 1989 with a mandate to impart education, further the advancement of learning and prosecution of research and undertake extension to rural people in  co-operation with the government departments in different branches of veterinary and animal sciences. Endowed with excellent administrative and infrastructure machinery, the University has four Veterinary Colleges, One Food Science College, One Poultry Production and Management College, four Research stations, seventeen University Training and Research centres, three Farmers Training Centres, three Krishi Vigyan Kendras, two Avian Disease Diagnostic Laboratories, one Pharmacovigilance Laboratory for  Animal feed and Food Safety and one Central University Laboratory. The TANUVAS has been conferred with the prestigious "Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution Award-2011", at the 84th Foundation Day of the ICAR.


About Madras Veterinary College

The Madras Veterinary College (MVC), the first of the four constituent veterinary colleges of TANUVAS, was started as an equine treatment school in a temporary structure at Saidapet, Chennai in 1903. It is one of the oldest veterinary schools in the country. Since inception, the college started growing in stature and is now recognized as a premier veterinary institute in the country and world over.


MANAGE was established in 1987, as the National Centre for Management of Agricultural Extension at Hyderabad an autonomous Institute, from which its acronym ‘MANAGE’ is derived. In recognition of its importance and expansion of activities all over the country, its status was elevated to that of a National Institute in 1992 and re-christened to its present name i.e., National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management. MANAGE is the Indian response to challenges of agricultural extension in a rapidly growing and diverse agriculture sector. The policies of liberalization and globalization of the economy and the level of agricultural technology becoming more sophisticated and complex, called for major initiatives towards reorientation and modernization of the agricultural extension system. Effective ways of managing the extension system needed to be evolved and extension organizations enabled to transform the existing set up through professional guidance and training of critical manpower. MANAGE is the response to this imperative need. MANAGE offers its services in the following five streams viz., Management Training, Consultancy, Management Education and Research and Information Services