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This event completed successfully on 9th Feb 2018. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.

International Symposium on Emerging issues, Innovative techniques and Comprehensive Overview of Research Developments in Canine Practice

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The organizing committee takes pleasure in inviting you to three day International Congress on Canine Practice, XV Annual Convention of Indian Society for Advancement of Canine Practice and International Symposium on "Emerging issues, Innovative techniques and Comprehensive Overview of Research Developments in Canine Practice "from 7th February to 9th February 2018 at NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh.


India is one of the progressive countries with vast potential of companion animals as well as pet lovers. Canine Practice has travelled a long distance in developing confidence among the pet lovers. On an avenge 600000 pets are adopted every year in India. In the current era of the globalization, India expects lot of innovative scientific methods from veterinary profession.


The sea changes have been possible only by new scientific developments and modern techniques in Veterinary Science related to Canine Practice. The developments in Canine Practice have followed in footsteps of the human medicine. In this context, a very ambitious scientific programme has been prepared encompassing the topics related to the theme. We are also extending this invitation to scientists working in different state veterinary and agricultural universities, central and state government animal health institutions, pet practitioners, personnel working in veterinary pharmaceuticals and all other concerned with companion animal health.