Pre Conference Workshop

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Pre Conference Workshop 

 Harnessing Creativity & Spirituality with Hypnosis

January 2, 2019


(4th International Congress on Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness and the 5th congress of the Society for Integrating Traditional Healing into Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness.)

Programme Title: Harnessing Creativity & Spirituality with Hypnosis: Theories and Techniques for Generative Transformation

Programme Description:

This workshop will introduce the audience to a history of thinking that examines the relationship between spirituality, aesthetics and the creative process. Drawing from important work in the modern study of religion and hypnosis, we will span the time from the Enlightenment to the present and explore the relationships between artistic inspiration and spiritual development.


Dr. Smith will work from clinical case files, as well as his research on spirituality and traditional healing. Dr. Hoye will present clinical examples and research on hypnosis and creativity. The second half of the workshop will be devoted to teaching and experiencing hypnotic techniques designed to enhance spiritual growth and the creative process.


Specific Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will gain a general knowledge of the relationship of spirituality, aesthetics and creativity and their connection to and potential enhancement with hypnosis and meditative techniques. 


  1. Attendees will be instructed in basic hypnotic techniques and strategies to enhance spirituality and creativity with their clinical populations as well as for personal self-improvement. 


Workshop Facilitators 


Scott Hoye, PhD                                                         David Paul Smith, PhD

Adler School of Psychology                                       University of Chicago

Licensed Clinical Psychologist                                  Licensed Clinical Psychologist                                             

                        Members Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis


Registration Free : First Come Basis.                         Register Here

Venue: Seminar Hall, Block 2

10.00 AM to 4.00 PM