Download Journal here: Volume 1 - Issue 1 - Traditional Healing & Critical Mental Health_0.pdf
Please Note: This Conference has 2 Tracks: (1) Main Theme of ICCP2019 (2) SUKRUT's 6th International Conference Track1: 4th International Conference on Counselling, Psychotherapy and Wellness and the 5th Congress of SithCp3 - ICCP2019Track2: SUKRUT's BUILDING WALLS: NEUROSIS TO PSYCHOSIS Exploring “the unconscious” fears and their social vicissitudes
Authors are advised to select the Tracks accordingly and submit to the chosen topics/sessions.
The conference, fourth of its kind, seeks to create a platform to share research and practice in counseling and psychotherapy and traditional healing practices within a context of multiculturalism and diversity. The conference is organized by Christ University, Bangalore in association with the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education(OISE)(University of Toronto), Center for Intercultural Studies, University of Verona and Society for Integrating Traditional Healing into Counselling Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry (SithCp3).
Christ University blossomed out of the educational vision of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI). Saint Kuriakose Eliias Chavara , the founder of this indigenous congregation was a well known educationist and social reformer of the 19th century. Christ University is today a leading educational destination for students from India and other countries. The University offers Undergraduate, Post graduate and Doctoral Programs in Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences, Commerce, Management, Law and Education.
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, OISE, is an international leader in initial and continuing teacher education, graduate studies in education, and education research. Established in 1906, OISE is the University of Toronto's Faculty of Education. Areas of teaching, learning and research include: adult education and counselling psychology; curriculum, teaching and learning; educational administration, higher education; history and philosophy of education; human development and applied psychology; sociology and equity studies in education; and, education policy and practice.
The Society for the Integration of Traditional Healing into Counselling Psychology, Psychotherapy and Psychiatry (SITHCP3) is developed to promote, encourage and nurture research on the integration of traditional healing practices into counselling psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatry. The international society will serve as a reference group to researchers, health practitioners, traditional healers, and community workers interested in the interface between talking therapies and spiritual approaches to healing in counselling psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatry.
Center for Intercultural Studies, University of Verona
The University of Verona is dedicated to innovation and to maintaining the high quality of its teaching and research. The institution has 22,000 students, and 1,500 teaching and non-teaching staff all dedicated to a continual process of growth and to the development of human, structural and financial resources. The University has strong links to the local community and looks to the future through its constant strengthening of the link between courses offered and the world of work. In the immediate future, one of the University’s principle objectives is to continue with its building programme in order to create an improved and welcoming environment.
Center for Youth Engagement, University of Massachusettes, Amherst, USA
Center for Youth Engagement (CYE) is dedicated to the advancement of successful educational and postsecondary outcomes for underserved and at‐risk youth through integrated research, technical assistance, and community service activities. The CYE will support the maximal growth of at‐risk youth through research activities and by developing and fostering collaborative partnerships with schools, institutions, organizations and agencies at the local, state, and national level that serve this population of young people. The Center for Youth Engagement (CYE) is dedicated to the advancement of successful school and post‐school outcomes for underserved and at‐risk youth through integrated research, technical assistance, and community service. The CYE will achieve its mission through the integration of field‐based research, dissemination of research findings, and community service
Conferences Secretariat's
Conference Secretariat
Department of Psychology
7th Floor, Central Block
Christ University
Bangalore 560029
North America
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
252 Bloor St W
ON M5S 1V6
Center for Youth Engagement (CYE)
College of Education
University of Massachusettes, Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003-4150
Center for Intercultural Studies
University of Verona
Lungadige Porta Vittoria
17 37129,Verona