Track Title:
- Inclusive Growth and Sustainability
Original Papers are invited on the theme and Sub-themes of the conference from Academicians and practitioners. Abstract should be in about 500 words including 5- 6 key words.
Full paper
The front page Tables and Figures should be in MS Word, Times New Roman 12 point, with 1.5 line spacing, fully justified and should not exceed 4500 words. of the Paper should provide details of Author’s Name, Affiliation, e-mail Address and Telephone Number.
All Tables and graphs should be numbered and should appear in the corresponding Text with Captions. Source should be explicitly mentioned at the bottom of the Table/Figure.
Footnote: The Superscript Numeral used to refer to a Footnote must appear in the text. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the normal Text area, with a line of about 5cms set immediately above them.
Citation: APA citation style must be followed for References.
All correspondence will be addressed to the first Author only.
Review process and notification of acceptance:
All papers will undergo a Double Blind Review process and will be evaluated on different parameters like Originality, Relevance, Applicability and Contribution to Findings.
Papers received upto 31st October 2013 shall qualify for the “Best Business Academic of the Year Award (BBAY Award) and the Mannu Bhai M Shah Memorial (MMSM) Research Gold Medals. The detail rules of BBAY Award and MMSM Research Gold Medal Award are being published in the forthcoming issue of the Indian Journal of Commerce and can be seen on the website of the ICA.