Submission of Abstracts:
Abstracts for Oral/Poster presentation not exceeding 250 words ( System will not allow more than this limit) excluding title which you can input it online, authors and affiliation, must be filled for all authors - Author, Co Authors and Corresponding Authors.
Title of the Paper: Must be less than 250 characters. More than that system will not accept.
Authors Details: Complete details of author as expected by the system is to be filled in online. Care must be taken to add additional author if you have co author as the system is capable of adding any number of authors and must select atleast one author and also must select the presentation author online.
Additional Details:
Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusions must be filled online. Sub-headings in the text should be avoided.
The Abstracts submitted will be evaluated by a Screening Committee and the corresponding author and all other authors will be intimated about the acceptance (Oral/Poster) well in advance. However, only registered delegates will be invited for oral/poster presentation.
Oral: All oral presentations should be made by power point presentation for 5 minutes . The speakers are advised to bring their presentation in pen drive/CD or upload online.
Poster: Poster shall be of less than 4 feet height x 3 feet width. The presenters will be allotted code numbers (will be intimated) and the same shall be displayed on the poster board.