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This event completed successfully on 27th Feb 2018. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.

Conference on Industry Academia R and D Ecosystem: Strengthening the ecosystem in India

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Anna University established International Centre for Research Facilitation and Training (ICRFT) is coordinating a Conference on the theme “Industry Academia R&D Ecosystem – Strengthening the R&D Ecosystem in India” from 26th – 27th February 2018 at Anna
University, Chennai.


ICRFT has been initiated to promote the utilization of existing facilities / equipments by the Academic / Industry and R & D organization and is to promote innovation and incubation activities and to provide training so as to create more entrepreneurs and enhance industrial interactions. We would like to inform that Anna University has been recently recognized by the U.G.C. as University with Potential for Excellence in the area of Bio-Medical, Bio Technology and we have been ranked in the overall category of Indian Institutions by N.I.R.F. in the 6th position.


The Govt. of India has taken many initiatives to promote R&D activities in the Country. As a result, there were many activities promoted by many of the departments at the Central and State level to provide better governance at policy level but it is to be taken further ahead by the Industry and Academia in to a sustainable ecosystem.


In this Conference, we hope to deliberate on Govt. Policy and implementation strategies on Industry Academia R&D Ecosystem, Creating better Processes for a sustainable ecosystem, Using Technology in creating R&D ecosystem, Inter and Multi disciplinary Collaboration, Publication, Patent, Projects, Products and services to Entrepreneurship, Funding R&D initiatives, Benefits to society etc.