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This event completed successfully on 16th déc 2019. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.

International Conference on Extension for Strengthening Agricultural Research and Development

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Agriculture development in India and elsewhere is at the crossroads, yet again. The food production isn’t a triumph anymore what with nutrition security becoming a difficult challenge to deal with; climate change is adding to Research challenges. Innovations, technologies and good management practices are vital for farmers and practitioners to sustain their profession.


 Farming, now being invariably driven by markets, poses an equally difficult challenge to the weakened Extension system, which is surrounded by the more innovative competitors in the information marketplace. The challenge of increasing farmers income, therefore,comes in as a compelling reason for the Extension professionals to take a look around and within to come up with necessary course corrections to strive and thrive in the new order. Strengthening Research-Extension-Development continuum hence is today’s priority.


The International Conference on Extension for Strengthening Agricultural Research and Development with Focus on Farmers’ Income has the objective of bringing together agricultural extension scientists, researchers, academicians, professionals, students and many other stakeholders for a purposeful dialogue to get deeper insights into the current dynamics and for drawing future roadmap for agricultural extension.



The conference will deliberate on the themes that are listed in the conference communication, by giving due emphasis to the entire gamut under each theme. The Conference will also bring in experts from various support sectors that are driving agricultural development. Thus it is expected that the Conference will meet the interest and needs of a wide range of disciplines and actors. Keynote speakers, invited speakers, lead presentations and oral presentationsin common as well as parallel sessions are expected to enlighten and empower the participants on making the extension, the flag bearer of inclusive development in agricultural sector.



The Conference participants include agricultural extension fraternity across research, academics, development and related institutions including students, farmers, entrepreneurs and industries.