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Price List

      Registration types & Fees

      Conference Registration fees
      Fecha Tipo Moneda Fee / Price
      De Lun Ago 6, 2018 hasta Lun Sep 17, 2018 Undergraduate / Postgraduate students, Interns and Residents INR 500.00 Sale Ended
      De Lun Ago 6, 2018 hasta Lun Sep 17, 2018 Faculty members and veterinary practitioners INR 1200.00 Sale Ended
      Workshop Registration
      The one day Pre Conference Workshop on “Clinical Updates in Small Animal Practice” will be held on 27th September, 2018 exclusively for the benefit of Postgraduate Students /Scholars of clinical disciplines from all over India. The 10th CCC-2018 will provide an interdisciplinary platform for knowledge exchange covering basic and advanced techniques in the areas of critical care management, orthopedics and canine reproduction the details of which are given below: PRE CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS ON CLINICAL UPDATES IN SMALL ANIMAL PRACTICE Workshop I: Critical Care Procedures in Small Animals Workshop 2: Principles of Small Animal Orthopedics Workshop 3: Diagnostic Techniques in Small Animal Reproduction GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGISTRATION FOR THE WORKSHOP 1. Only I and II year Post Graduate students are eligible to participate in the workshops 2.The maximum number of participants for each workshop is restricted to 20 (16 participants from other states and 4 from TANUVAS). 3. Registration will be online and will be open for the first 50 students (for each workshop) after which the registration will close automatically. 4. All participants have to download the application form, fill up the particulars and get the same certified by the Head of the Department before uploading them. 5. Only those applications duly certified by the Head of Department, scanned and uploaded will be entertained 6. THE REGISTRATION FOR THE WORKSHOP WILL CLOSE ON 07th SEPTEMBER, 2018 7. The applications will be scrutinized by a committee and the 20 shortlisted participants (for each workshop) will be intimated by mail or phone on or before 10th SEPTEMBER, 2018 8. The selected candidates should furnish an attested copy of their B.V.Sc degree and the original certificates with one photocopy with regards to S.No. 11-15 (Seminar/Symposia etc. attended, publications, awards, work experience) on the day of workshop failing which their participation will be cancelled.
      Fecha Tipo Moneda Fee / Price
      De Lun Ago 6, 2018 hasta Lun Sep 17, 2018 Workshop I: Critical Care Procedures in Small Animals INR 500.00 Sale Ended
      De Lun Ago 6, 2018 hasta Lun Sep 17, 2018 Workshop 2: Principles of Small Animal Orthopedics INR 500.00 Sale Ended
      De Lun Ago 6, 2018 hasta Lun Sep 17, 2018 Workshop 3: Diagnostic Techniques in Small Animal Reproduction INR 500.00 Sale Ended
