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MyPad Academia Specialized in helping Conducting National and International Level Conferences, Call... más

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MyPad® Now for Academia | Enterprise

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Welcome to MyPad® Now for Academia | Enterprise

Embrace Technology to elevate your Conference Performance


Are  you or your Colleagues or Friends planning for an International or National level Conference, Call for Paper, Symposium, Workshop, Seminar, Exhibition etc and afraid of your event success? Do you fear you will not get funding, required papers, payment etc?



With the use of Digital Technology you can enhance the success of your Conference without spending too much time in managing it. What you need to do is how you can attract many delegates by promoting hot current topics of relevant, Authors interest which can be obtained by inviting proposals for themes, Venue choice, Location choice, Consideration for Holidays and festivals etc.


At MyPad® we have done many years of research and monitored over 100’s of Conferences success and now we empower Conference Organizers like you to easily use technology to automate with trusted and proven tools and methodologies.





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