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This event completed successfully on 23rd Apr 2018. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.

One Day Workshop on E-Mobility Mission of India: Concepts and Implications

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The objective of this workshop is to discuss, in a convenient environment, the opportunities and prospects of the sector, improve cooperation and business environments for sustainable transport sector, define jointly and share the vision of electric mobility. India has announced a major transformation to electric vehicles by 2030.


The Government has also initiated Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric vehicles (FAME) scheme which provides incentives for purchasing electric vehicles. Substantially, the 'National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020' which was formed in 2013 addresses issues of National energy security, vehicular pollution and growth of domestic manufacturing capabilities.


The Workshop will address the competitive landscape of electric vehicles worldwide, coupled with the vast opportunities and potential challenges of EV development in India. This Program will gather policymakers all over from India, representatives from the Indian EV industry, relevant research communities and provide them the platform for networking. You will also get updates on how Indian EV industry, research communities, policymakers and citizens together can create a sustainable mobility sector.


Target Audience:

Indian and global H /EV manufacturing industry in the automotive hub of India automotive industry leaders, Govt. leaders, policy makers, business people, innovators, technicians, consultants, and research and development professionals, all looking for greater efficiency, safety and low carbon vehicle.