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This event completed successfully on 29th Sep 2018. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.

TANUVAS 10th Clinical Case Conference on Farm and Companion Animal Practice for Veterinary Students

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Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), the country's premier educational institution has an undisputed reputation for leading the way. We’re proud of our pioneering and innovative spirit, which has enabled us to introduce and spearhead many revolutionary concepts and programs since our inception in 1989. The revolutionary concept of Clinical Case Conference exclusively for students has been hosted successfully for the past 9 years. This year too, TANUVAS is hosting the "TANUVAS 10th Clinical Case Conference on Farm and Companion Animal Practice for Veterinary Students-2018".


This unique annual event will be exclusively aimed at bringing together local and international veterinary students to learn, exchange ideas and innovate and will also provide a platform to make great professional contacts that will be valuable for their future career. The conference will facilitate the effective use of evidence-based medicine as well as systematic approach to clinical problem solving thus, helping them to make the most from a professionally rewarding experience. This year too, the conference will be held at Madras Veterinary College, Chennai.


This two day Clinical Case Conference will focus on challenging case studies to be presented by veterinary clinical undergraduate, postgraduate students and interns from all over India. The dedicated Clinical Case Conference will cover both farm and companion animal practices in the fields of medicine, surgery and gynaecology. Prizes will be awarded for the best clinical presentation in each session selected by a panel of eminent clinical jury. 


For the 2nd consecutive year the “Clinical Case Conference Travel Grant” will be awarded for one undergraduate and one post graduate student under small animal section and one undergraduate and one post graduate student under large animal section exclusively based on their quality of paper submitted. Click here to know more about the travel grant!


As a new initiative, a one day Pre Conference Workshop on “Clinical Updates in Small Animal Practice” will be held on 27th September, 2018 exclusively for the benefit of Post graduate Students /Scholars of clinical disciplines from all over India. The TANUVAS 10th CCC-2018 will provide an interdisciplinary platform for knowledge exchange covering basic and advanced techniques in the areas of critical care management, orthopedics and canine reproduction. Click here to know more about the Pre Conference Workshop!