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Travel Grant

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The Clinical Case Travel Grant introduced in 2017 will be awarded this year too for One undergraduate and one post graduate student for small animal section and one undergraduate and one post graduate student for large animal section exclusively based on their quality of paper submitted.  A committee specially constituted for this purpose will scrutinize the abstract submitted. The student willing to avail the grant will have to submit online his/her abstract under the respective scientific session (for eg. small animal medicine, large animal surgery etc.) and the same abstract should also be submitted under the Clinical Case Conference Travel Grant. The recipient of the travel grant will be given a certificate and, will be eligible for to and fro third class A/C rail fare (ticket to be produced for claim) and waiver of accommodation fee. 

If you are interested to compete for the Clinical Case Conference Travel Grant ( Purely awarded based on the quality of paper submitted) you must select the "Yes" option under the Additional information menu during abstract submission.  This travel grant will be eligible only for other state students!