Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Individual cases studies (during the last one year as on 24.07.2017) of high quality in any discipline of clinical study including Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology are invited. Abstracts duly certified (downloadable format available in the website) by the Heads of the Departments alone will be accepted. Students should attach the scanned copy of the duly signed certificate along with the abstract. Abstract should be well organized and should not exceed 250 words. Abstract title (limited to 20 words) should be given in upper case bold letters. The presenting Author name (only one student) and affiliation address should be centered in successive lines and should not include the faculty advisor(s) name. However, the name of the faculty advisor(s) (limited to TWO) should be stated below the abstract. Also, it is mandatory to provide the e-mail address of the presenting author as a footnote in the abstract.
The scientific committee will review the abstracts. Each student is eligible to present one abstract only. The abstract submitted should not have been presented elsewhere. All abstracts accepted for oral presentation will be printed in the abstract compendium. Abstracts should be submitted online on or before 24th July, 2017.
Guidelines for Presentation
Each participant will be provided five minutes for presentation (including video) followed by three minutes discussion. Presentation has to be done in MS power point 2007 format. No laptop connectivity is permitted for presentation. It is mandatory that participants have a copy of their presentation in a virus free removable disk/pendrive which is to be loaded well in advance prior to the session.