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This Event Completed Successfully

This event completed successfully on 11th Nov 2016. We thank all the participants for their gracious presence.
Technologically Advanced Materials


Materials for energy harvesting and applications: Solar Cells, Thermoelectric materials, Lithium Batteries

Nanomaterials, Nanophotonics, Nanoelectronics, Nano-Characterization and Nanotechnology for Informatics & Communication

Graphene, Carbon nanotubes and related materials

Spintronic materials and applications

Polymer and soft materials

Optical materials for laser, lighting, display, lithography and astronomical applications

Electro-optic and photonic materials and devices

Metals and alloys for advanced applications

Composites and complex materials

Smart and intelligent materials for sensor applications

Hi-Tech Ceramics

Hybrid Materials

Engineering materials and technologies

Materials for Robotics

High temperature materials

Anticorrosion materials

Biomaterials, Biosensors and Bioelectronic materials

Advanced functional materials for Environmental monitoring, antipollution and anti-hazardous materials

Environmental and Green materials


Materials for electric and electronic applications

Materials for Imaging and Diagnostic and Biomedical Applications

Superconductors (High Tc)

Advanced characterization techniques for structure and composition of materials

Computational analysis, modelling and simulations underlying different materials

Related Emerging Areas



Ferroelectric and related materials: Classification and Applications

Processing of Ferroelectric and related materials

Ferroelectric Materials: Characterizations

Ferroelectric Materials: Basic Physics and Theory

Related Emerging Areas